Smart Summer Look
When it comes to style, there are certain things that don't date.
I am a huge fan of a well thought out smart Summer look which reflects your surroundings.
Cue the linen suit with slip ons, no socks.
True, you have to be careful to avoid that 'I've just taken my socks off, that'll do' look. But you'll find that the gently creased, lazy attitude of alinen jacket, either with well- cut jeans or matching trousers should do the trick.
Brook Taverner'Jeremy' Linen Suit. £254.00
Finish off with a patterned shirt without a tie, or perhaps linen again left untucked.
Make the decision and stick to it though, as you can't tuck a shirt in and then untuck it later!
This all serves to make you look sartorially acceptable, but not too formal.
A little tip: sprinkle some talcum powder in the shoes and between your toes! This feels especially nice in leather - lined shoes.
Olymp Luxor patterned shirt. £35.49
Loake Skipton Ginger suede slip-ons, contrast cream stitch. £95. Available form LSC
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