Babette Wasserman: Detail is everything

Babette Wasserman: Detail is everything

- Categories : Jewellery

It's so much easier to enthuse about an item that you would happily put your own hand  in your pocket for. 
Whenever I receive a Babette Wasserman order, I don't think what my customers could wear with them, but 
how they would look on me. Highly unprofessional.
With 'BW' you get all the design and quality you require, but at a reasonable price. Added to that not 
everybody knows about the range, so exclusivity is there too. 
Either as a gift or a personal treat, all the details are present. What would you wear them with?
Sodalite Tourbillon cuff links
Babette Wasserman-Sodalite Cufflinks
Celtic stud links
Babette Wasserman-Celtic Stud Links
Babette Wasserman-Galileo Cufflinks
Archie onyx
cuff links, £340
Babette Wasserman-Archie
Crystal cuffs
Babette Wasserman-Crystal Links

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